Watch: the Naturally cool Seminar

Cooling your home in summer, beautification, social amenity for recreation and mental wellbeing, creating habitat for native animals and insects - there are so many reasons to bring nature into your apartment complex.

In this session we’ll explore greening options for spaces and budgets of all shapes and sizes. Get insights and advice from greening experts about how you or your owners corporation could cultivate and enjoy a lush, green, apartment complex.

And take a peak at the Docklands apartment building that’s been transforming spaces from gray to green.


This seminar recording was produced as part of the High Life Expo 2024. Download the session slides part 1 and part 2. The full video and related resources are all included below.


  • A short case study on Victoria Point and their journey from gray to green

  • The Growing Green Guide is the first comprehensive guide to green roofs, walls and facades in Australia

  • My Smart Garden is a free sustainable gardening program based in Naarm/Melbourne. They’re here to help you grow a beautiful and productive garden in your space, whether that’s a few pots on a rental balcony or a larger suburban backyard. We’ll also connect you with local gardening experts and your gardening community

  • The Westbury St project was a green roof retrofit project. You can hear from the residents themselves in this podcast from back in 2017. Photos are available on Facebook and the Fytogreen website

  • City of Melbourne has information about water, flooding and green roofs

  • Visit the Resources section of our website for more sustainable strata resources


Watch: the Getting to Yes! seminar


Download the Seminar Session slides