Watch: the Waste not Seminar

Waste and recycling in apartment buildings can be a point of challenge or even tension. Differing expectations, spacial issues, and cost implications all come into play. But there are solutions.

Discover how Reground has assisted owners corporations across greater Melbourne to reimagine their waste spaces and enhance amenity. How they foster engagement, education, and empowerment among residents, committees, and facilities managers to achieve sustainable waste management goals.

Plus, learn how Returnr Marketplace can help you stop waste at the source. Returnr is new way to shop online. They offer home delivered groceries in reusable, returnable packaging.

Host and speakers:

This seminar recording was produced as part of the High Life Expo 2024. The full video, related resources, and Q&A are all included below.


Many resources and suppliers were discussed during the seminar session:

  • Reground offers apartment building waste audits and solutions. Their guides for better waste management in apartment buildings are available via Sustainability Victoria or in the Resources section of the High Life Expo website

  • Returnr Marketplace offers package-free groceries ordered online (currently available in Melbourne only)

  • Zero Co. offers packaging free cleaning and personal care products ordered online

  • SCRgroup can support large apartment buildings with clothing recycling services

  • Bokashi Bins are food waste composting systems that are suitable for many apartment residents, including renters

  • Wormlovers offers Hungry Bins and other composting systems suitable for apartments and apartment buildings

Top tip

If your building’s waste is managed by a private waste contractor, trial having a paper and cardboard bin. This is usually cheaper than a comingled recycling bin so it can reduce overall costs and help keep waste streams clean.


Q: Approximately how much would it cost to get help from Reground for my apartment building?

A - Alice, Reground: We assess each building differently based on the goals and size of the property, we usually speak with the building create a quote and then discuss from there :) If you would like feel free to reach out to us!

Q: Are all councils in Australia looking to separate glass recycling from other commingled recycling?

A - Alice, Reground: yes it’s part of a statewide rollout in Victoria to have four separate bins for council serviced properties! Contact your council or your private waste contractor to enquire about getting a glass bin. Please note that the rollout is happening in different municipalities at different times. Some already have glass bins, others will roll them out in coming months.

Q: I live in a small 16 unit building in Sth Yarra  & the Short Stay accommodation has been a huge issue with the disregard for any systems that have been applied with waste management are there any suggestions with dealing with the hosts that don’t want to comply to anything? The OC is also very disengaged with the waste management component in the building. I’m really wanting some  guidance with this please.

A - Alice, Reground: For disengaged OC committees I usually try understand first what their pain point is, eg. is it cost/fear of change? Often if it is a financial barrier it is important to explain the options and also the current climate (that landfill levies will keep going up!) so acting earlier is going to benefit the building. Definitely reach out to us: and we can chat further!

Q: If our private contractor is putting all bins into one truck. This is common with many MUD (Multi Unit Dwellings) developments. Is there a list of contractors who actually will separate?

A - Alice, Reground: I would recommend having a look at our Best Practice Guides for a more comprehensive answer, or definitely reach out to us at Reground! It’s a space we are working in closely as we are aware it’s a significant issue for apartment buildings,

Q: What are the tips for approaching short term residents (AirBNB but also students or Working Holiday Makers who often stay only few months in a building)?

A - Alice, Reground: We do lift posters - sets the vibe for the building. We even had one Airbnb guest leave a glowing review of our bin room!

Q: Alice, do you have experience with long-term change?  Our experience is that initial results are good, but over a few years, as champions leave, things go to pot. And then we have to start again. it can be very time and resource intensive (from a Council's perspective).  Any thoughts on this?

A - Alice, Reground: We have found as waste champions leave the success of these interventions can drop off (and quite significantly too!). I think creating a resident engagement channel and handing this on has a great potential to keep up this momentum. Otherwise, something we are looking at at Reground is how can we offer a service that helps to bring keep this engagement with residents up in line with ethical contractors. Happy to discuss further as it’s a great question:


Download the Seminar Session slides


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